Sunday, September 21, 2008


The most amazing chocolate shop ever!

Le Cloitre

On friday I went to Bayonne, which is part of the French Basque region. The majority of the buildings were built in traditional basque style, white buildings with red shutters. We toured the town and made sure to try their famous bayonne chocolate. Bayonne was the first french region where you could buy chocolate. Historically, they would serve melted down chocolate warm and you would drink it. They still serve it like this- I had a taste and it was amazing! There were several specialty chocolate stores where you could get any kind of chocolate you wanted!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey looks like your having a blast I'm jealous!!! Mabey Ill come visit you over there... Thanks for sending Desiree that post card She and I got a kick out of it. Have fun Kevin.