Sunday, September 21, 2008

San Sebastian, Spain


I spent the rest of saturday and part of sunday in San Sebastian! It was one of the most beautiful cities that I have ever been to! We went on a walking tour right when we arrived, went to the beach, and then went to old town san sebastian and got tapas. There is an incredible night culture there with lots of street vendors selling jewelery and scarves. No one eats dinner before 9pm. and children and elderly people are still out really late at night. We got tapas around 7:30 and our eyes were definitely bigger than our stomachs because we ate way too many. :) We walked around and explored the city and then got dessert later. The tapas ended up being our dinner since we couldn't stop eatting them! Later we met a bunch of USAC students who are studying abroad in San Sebastian. It was really interesting hearing about their expeiences. I'm glad that I'm not studying abroad in a place like that or else I would never want to go to class!
The next day we went to the beach and did some shopping. It was so beautiful and warm and seriously the entire town was there! Also the fruit was incredible. I had the best nectarine that I have ever tasted. We left around 2pm. on sunday and I definitely did not want to leave. I could have spent at least another week there! :)

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