Saturday, September 6, 2008

Week in Paris

Here are some pictures from my week in Paris! Check out my post
below. Le Tour Eiffel
At dinner in the Latin Quarter

Gelato. It was shaped like a rose! I couldn't help but buy some.

At the top of le Tour Eiffel

My roomate for the week in Paris, Laura and I au jardin Luxembourg.

Le Pompidou

This has been an amazing week in Paris! We have done so much and I have loved every second. On thursday we started off at Notre Dame. I've been there before but had never climbed the bell towers. I got some amazing pictures from up there- you could see all of Paris. We got des crepes from un vendeur and then proceeded to Saint-Chapelle. Then we went to Pont Neuf, L'opera, and L'arch de triumphe. I have never climbed up l'arch de triumphe so that was fun to do. That night a group of us went out to dinner in the Latin Quarter. There were lots of young people around and a good vibe in general.
On friday we went up the eiffel tower. It was cold, rainy, and very windy, especially at the top. Then we went to Les Invalides where Napolean in buried. He was a really short guy, but is buried in an enormous tomb that is displayed in the middle of the room. Then we went to le Musee Roden. I particularly enjoyed le penseur (the Thinker), la porte de l'enfer (the Gates of Hell). There were also several scultures there by his mistress Camille Claudel that I actually prefered to his work. Vertumne et Pomone is one of the most beautiful sculptures that I have ever seen! I learned about it in a Humanties class that I took winter quarter so it was amazing to see it in person.
Afterwards a few girls and I went to Musee D'Orsay, which historically was a train station and years later was made into a museum. The sculptures and impressionist art were amazing! I particulary enjoyed the impressionist art by Monet, Degas, and a new favorite painter, Signac. You could spend days there so we tried to pick out exhibits that we really wanted to see. On our way back to our hotel we walked through the Tuileres gardens and got gelato. I have eatten so much gelato since we got here- good thing we are walking so much everyday! :)
Once we got back to the hotel I went to an internet cafe down the street. It was definitely a challenge using a french keyboard since many of the letters are switched. It will definitely take awhile to get used to. Luckily I brought my laptop so I will get to use that most of the time.
That night we went on the bateau mouch cruize, which is a sunset cruize on the river Seine. The eiffel tower was lit up blue with a circle of yellowstars to represent the flag of the european union. It is normally lit up all white, but for most of the summer it has been lit up blue to celebrate the 6 month french presidency of the european union.
Today a group of us split up from our normal tour group at went to the Pompideau. This is a modern art museum and I was so excited to see it since I never have. Some of the modern art was a little bizarre, but really interesting. Afterwards we went to Monmatre. We had lunch there are hung out by the Sacre Coeur. Tonight our entire study abroad group is going out to a nice french dinner together- a great way to celebrate our last night in Paris!
Tomorrow we are going to Versaille in the morning and then taking a bus down to Azay-le-Rideau (near the loire valley). We are spending the night there, seeing a couple of chateaus in the morning, and then making our way down to Pau. We should arrive in Pau monday night. I am so excited to get there!! I found out that all french students are living in my dorm building, which will give me an opportunity to make many french friends.

A demain!

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