Wednesday, September 3, 2008

1st day in Paris !

I got an early start this morning at 4:45 am to set off on my way to Paris. I met up with my abroad program's group flight in Washington DC. It was exciting to meet people as obsessed with French as I am! We then took off on another long flight and arrived at 6:00 am Paris time just as the sun was rising. It's cold and rainy in Paris today so everyone was sporting they're umbrellas, rainjackets, and scarves. After arriving at our hotel in Paris, which is conveniently located right across from a metro station and surrounded by all sorts of shops, cafes, and brasseries. Tonight we are exploring the scenery and night life of the Latin Quarter, the first of this weeks touristy adventures. I am already immersing myself in French culture; a group of us have decided to speak minimal english this week and to speak ONLY french when we arrive in Pau. I'm excited for the challenge of speaking only french, even to the other american students. I will definitely keep you updated with all of my travels so check back soon! A tout a l'heure!



1 comment:

Dave said...

The saga begins...