Saturday, October 11, 2008


Outside the beret factory in Nay
sporting our new berets

At the base of the mountain

Waterfalls at the top of the mountain

This weekend we hiked the Pyrenees! On the way there we stopped at one of the only two remaining French beret factories in a small village called Nay. We learned about how berets were made and the different berets that are worn in different regions. In sunnier regions they wear larger berets to keep the sun off of their faces. We also learned about when you wear the various colors of berets- black for work or military service, navy for political activites, and brown for celebrations. Also the reason that they have the little button on top is because traditionally you would hold it by that button and knit around it. They also used to stomp on them and soak them in water so that the fabric would tighten and they would become water resistant. Almost everyone bought traditional, real, berets at the beret factory. I had fun trying on all sorts of crazy hats!
After another short bus ride we arrived at the base of the Pyrenees and had a nice, filling lunch before starting our long hike. It was really warm for the entire hike, until we got to the cascade. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking- leaves in hues of orange, red, and yellow, and snow on the mountain peaks. It took us about 3 hours to get to the top and a little over 2 to get down. We hiked all the way up and when we got to the top we were surrounded by waterfalls running off the mountain tops. It was incredible! Going down was a little rough since it was really steep and there were lots of loose rocks, but I side stepped down the big peak like I was on skis. A couple of people wiped out, which was kind of funny, but wouldn't have been if they had seriously hurt themselves. I felt very accomplished after my 5+ hour hiking excursion! :)

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