Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Addie & I in the Vineyards of Saint-Emilion

Les jolies fleures

Le chateau


Les Macorons- Bordeaux is famous for macaroons, as well as wine,bien sûr!

Les peintures

Le carnival

This weekend I went with a group of friends to Bordeaux for the weekend. We spent the day shopping and visiting monuments around the city. It was super easy to get around the city because they have this awesome tram system that can take you anywhere. It's above ground so you can site-see as you ride it! That night we went to a fair that was right near the center of the town. There were all sorts of rollercoasters, fair games, and vendors. I wasn't feeling the rollercoasters after eatting a big dinner, so Laura and I braved the ferris wheel instead. :) The view from the top was incredible- you could see the entire city including the Garonne river.
The next day we took the train to a small village called Saint Emilion. It's just outside of the main bordeaux city, but still part of the Bordeaux wine region. Our hotel in Bordeaux was close to the train station so that made it easy to get around. My friend Addie has a book called "1000 Places to Visit before you die" and Saint Emilion was one of them. I can definitely see why- i've never seen anything like it. The entire town is surrounded by vineyards that go for miles and miles. We explored the village, tasted some wine, and explored the wine cellars at Clos de Minuts. They have tons of caves under the building with wines dating back to before I was born. They also had lots of wine barrels and different sizes of wine bottles, including the magnums. I've never been in a wine cellar like that before so it was a really cool experience for me!
This week all of the french students have a vacation, but we still have to go to class. Lame. I also don't have swim practice, which I'm sad about since I've made a lot of french friends through the swim team. I went to a dinner party last week with some kids from the swim team. They cooked us a three course meal and we all spoke a lot of french! I've been swimming for over a month now, but it definitely takes awhile for french people to let you into their circle of friends. Peter, Addie, and I (all the american kids who swim) are finally getting lots of invitations from the french swimmers to go out to dinner etc...

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